Reliable Isolation

The 57.1 XHV All-Metal Angle Valves are laid out for reliable isolation for UHV and XHV applications, high and low temperature environments as well as radiation up to 108 Gy.

These all-metal angle valves are designed for maximum conductance and they are equipped with VATRING “hard on hard” sealing technology. This dynamic all-metal sealing system is characterized by consistent reliable sealing and constant closing forces. It enables high sealing forces with comparable low axial forces. The sealing partners are made from stainless steel and they deform elastically only.

The valves may be baked to 450 °C in open or 350 °C in closed position. They are designed and tested for a lifetime of 10 000 cycles.

Already installed in thousands of demanding applications under various process conditions, the 57.1 series have proven their outstanding reliability.

Various design options in actuation, flange connections or additional vacuum ports make it easy to integrate the valves into any vacuum application.

double acting
single acting with closing spring (NC)


A key feature is the VATRING sealing system, also used in other well-known VAT all-metal gate valves. Due to the constant sealing force these valves are built not only with manual actuators, but also with pneumatic double acting and pneumatic spring closing actuators. They are the only all-metal angle valves in the world which are pneumatic actuated!

The valves are available in sizes DN 10, 40, 63 mm (57.1).

Standard flange is CF-R, from CF-R 16 to CF-R 63 with the rotatable flanges being fixed in place. Various other options are available.

Key features of the 57.1 XHV All-Metal Angle Valve


    • Maximum conductance
    • VATRING all-metal seal „hard on hard“ sealing
    • Outstanding temperature and radiation resistance
    • Pneumatic actuation option


    • Reliable performance under extreme XVH conditions
    • No maintenance required within the specified life time
    • Low cost of ownership

  • Technical data
Sizes DN 10 (⅜"), DN 16 (⅝"), DN 40 (1½")
ActuatorManualHexagon Head
 PneumaticSingle acting with closing spring (NC) or Double acting
Body Material Stainless Steel
Feedthrough Bellows
Standard Flanges CF-R
Leak RateValve Body< 1 × 10-10 mbar ls-1
 Valve Seat< 1 × 10-10 mbar ls-1
Pressure Range XHV to 5 bar (abs)
Differential PressureOn the Gate≤ 5 bar
 At Opening≤ 1 bar
Cycles until first Service 10 000
Bake-Out TemperatureValve Body≤ 450 °C open / ≤ 350 °C closed
 Manual ActuatorDN 16 – 40≤ 450 °C open / ≤ 350 °C closed
 Pneumatic Actuator≤ 150 °C (single acting with closing spring)
≤ 200 °C (double acting)
 Solenoid Valve≤ 80 °C
 Position Indicator≤ 80 °C (Option: 200 °C)
Heating and Cooling Rate ≤ 60 °C h-1
MaterialValve BodyAISI 316L (1.4404, 1.4435)
 MechanismAISI 316L (1.4404, 1.4435)
 BellowsAISI 316L (1.4435)
SealBonnet, GateMetal (silver plated)
Mounting Position Any
Solenoid Valve 24 VDC, 2.5 W (others on request)
Position Indicator: Contact RatingVoltage≤ 50 VAC/DC
 Current80 °C: ≤ 1.2 A200 °C: ≤ 1.0 A
Valve Position Indication Visual (Mechanical)


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