VAT media release on full-year 2024 results
Ad Hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Field-proven Technology in New Dimensions
Especially the evacuation and maintenance of a vacuum in large space volumes, as required in the planned Hyperloop projects, require reliable valve technology. In addition to controlling the vacuum conditions, it is above all the maintenance of the vacuum that poses special technical requirements. Kilometer-long vacuum tubes need protective systems that quickly and reliably minimize the loss of vacuum in the event of a leak.
The sector valves used for this purpose must impress with their fast response times and reliable function even at high differential pressures.
In the development of such valve solutions, VAT uses its extensive knowledge from equipping accelerator rings, which currently represent the largest controlled vacuum volumes in many parts of the world, with lengths of many kilometers.
Due to the currently still different technical approaches in the current Hyperloop projects, all VAT valve solutions are tailor-made for these projects. In addition to the isolation technology used, this is especially true for the mechanics used to retract transport infrastructure in the tubes located in the closing path of a sector valve.
To learn more about VAT sector valve solutions, or more generally about VAT vacuum valve solutions for vacuum transport, please contact us.