Maximize Quality and Productivity
with Outstanding Particle Performance

Particle performance in terms of a low degree of particle activation and particle emission as well as fast, reliable opening and closing cycles are the key performance indicators for atmospheric transfer doors in semiconductor production systems.

The new 07.0 HV Transfer Door Insert with LINVAT combines both exceptional particle performance with optimized controllability for adjustable, fast cycle times.

Installation options

Mounting screws 4 x M6
Mounting screws 4 x M8

Optically closed

The design of the 07.0 HV Transfer Door Insert with LINVAT technology focusses on optimized particle performance and high speed cycle times.

An outstanding level of particle performance is achieved by optimization of various design features like a torsion bar on the plate for uniform seal compression, a fully encapsulated actuator, a lubrication free environment and a real L-Motion with an adjustable speed profile to avoid any closing shock.

The exceptional real L-Motion with an adjustable speed profile of the 07.0 is achieved by VAT’s special LINVAT technology. Instead of two separate actuators for the vertical and horizontal movement of the L-Motion, LINVAT achieves this with only one actuator in a twostep motion. The result: a highly reliable actuators concept with a fast, stable, adjustable and shock free movement. The benefit: Higher uptime and improved controllability.

Key features of the 07.0 HV Transfer Door Insert with LINVAT


    • Improved particle performance design
    • Grease-free operation environment
    • Exceptional precise L-Motion
    • Uniform seal compression
    • Flexible D-sub and AMP connection


    • Outstanding particle performance
    • High uptime
    • Reliable operation
  • Technical data
  • Downloads

DN 10 mm (1.81" × 9.29")
DN 12 mm (1.97" × 13.23")
DN 14 mm (1.38" × 13.23")
DN 15 mm (2.56" × 16.54")
DN 20 mm (1.97" × 16.54")

Actuator pneumatic
Feedthrough bellows
Leak Rate < 1 × 10-7 mbar ls-1
Differential Pressure at the Gatein closing direction≤ 1 bar
 in opening direction≤ 0.1 bar
Differential Pressure during opening ≤ 30 mbar
Cycles until first Service ≥ 3 million
Actuation TimeOpening≤ 1 s
 Closing≤ 1 s
Temperatureat Gate≤ 120 °C
 at Actuator≤ 80 °C
 Bellows ProtectionPolytetrafluoroethylene
Seal FFKM, vulcanized
Mounting Position actuator up or down
Locking in case of pressurized air failure pneumatic locking
Position Indicator Reed Swith
WeightDN 10, DN 12, DN 15
DN 14, DN 20
8.5 kg /18.7 lbs
7.5 kg /16.5 lbs


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